Death Announcement of 52 year old Erma Joseph of Layou who resided at Dos Dane

In Loving memory of Erma Joseph of Layou, who resides in Dos D’ane

Sunrise: March 29th, 1972

Sunset: September 24th, 2024

Funeral will take place at the Bourne SDA Church on the 15th of October 2024

Viewing: 2:00 pm

Service: from 2:30 pm

Interment: Paixbouche Public Cemetery

She will be remembered by her children: Shimon, Marvin, Nadia, Cordilia and Simon Paul, Ersha, Alisha, Aliana Joseph and Emmanuel Smith.

Mother: Enis David

Brothers: Franklin and Haukins Thomas, Desmond and Ronald

Sisters: Olivette and Andrina

Nieces:  Alian, Cataleya and Rihanna

Nephews: Arletthan, Brythan, Yanick, Zane, Brandon, Kayden and Ryan

Grandchildren: Tyjan, Shantel, Danya and Desirée

In laws: Arlette Thomas, Cozier Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Challenger

Aunties: Vania, Arnolda, Loretta and Alvona aka sister

Uncles: Benson, Arnold, Curl and Mottley

Cousins: Dr. Ferreira, the Laurant’s, Mility’s, Gabriel’s, Adams, Walters, Davids and Thomas

Special friends: Annie, Winsome, Diane, Davis and Aliyah

Close Friends: Mavis, Thomas, June White, Harvey, Merlice, the Marcels, Laura and family, Rebecca, Members of the Philadelphia Study group including Nola, Valina and Mario, members of the Borne SDA church including Pastors Baccus, Maglores and Samuels.

Other names of family and friends too numerous to mention.

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