Death Announcement of 61 year old John Paul better known as Leo, who resided in Thibaud

We sadly announce the death of 61 year old John Paul better known as Leo, who resided in Thibaud. He passed away at the Dominica China Friendship Hospital on the 10th August 2024.

He will be remembered by his:

1 Daughter: Candez in Antigua

6 Sisters: Madonna Jacob, Sophia Paul, Jennifer Leblanc in Dominica, Rosette and Dorisia Paul in Guadeloupe and Margaret Louisor in Antigua.

3 Brothers: Marcelie, Bernedict and Jonah Paul.

Adopted brothers: Richie, Francis, and Sambo

Godmother: Vignette Francois in New York

13 Nephews: Nathan, Shun, Sherman, Akim, Ferdrick, Ensley, Thierry, Edeson, Marley, Romarick, Jess, Jermiah, Sanjay,

17 Neices: Susan, sherma, Nadia, Risa, Jessica, Shermain, Princess, Johanne, Naomi, Jennifer, Deyanna, Yasmin, Dyan, Guestaline, Theona, Kerlani and Nicole.

Many Great Grand Neices and nephews to numerious to mention

2 Godchildren: Deyanje and Romarick

4 Uncles: Baptiste, Angelo, Leo and Sam Joseph

1 Aunt: Dora Joseph in New York

2 brothers in-law: Derrick Louisor and Clement Leblanc

2 sisters in-law: Agnesia and Cynthia Paul

Friends; Kenty James in Marigot, Amoy and Claudia Francois, Francess Royer and family, Lyn Francois, Canoville and Family, Hubert, Rebecca, Amanda and Perly

The Farmers group, the staff of Francois security firm and members of the Viellecase NCCU Branch

Many friends in Antigua to include Joice Thomas, Joice John and Pam

Close relatives: Maggie Austrie and family, Helena Wallace and family, the families of Joseph, Massicot, Thomas and Paul from Calibishe, Thibaud, Viellecase, Anse De Mai and Paix-bouche.

Many other friends and relatives to numerious to mention

Special Mention Hon. Dr. Roosevelt Skerrit

ย The District Nurse: Nurse Letang

The entire communities of Thibaud, Paixbouche, Anse de mai, Anse sol dat, Bense, Calibishie and Viellecase.

The funeral details for the late John Paul will be given in a subsequent announcement.

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