Civil society encouraged to participate fully in SIDS4 Conference & upcoming CSO consultations

As the 4th International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS4) approaches, civil society organisations (CSOs) across the SIDS regions are being encouraged to seize the opportunity to join the interregional discussion on sustainable development by participating in the events around the SIDS4 Conference, and by joining the next series of CSO consultations happening in conjunction with the SIDS4 CSO Coalition co-led by Integrated Health Outreach Inc. (IHO) and the Marine Ecosystems Protected Areas Trust (MEPA Trust).

The SIDS4 Conference is happening in Antigua and Barbuda from May 27 to May 30, 2024, under the theme “Charting the course toward resilient prosperity” and with the aim of assessing the ability of SIDS to achieve sustainable development. During the conference, member states plan to agree on a broad strategy for the way forward over the next decade. At the same time, SIDS civil society has a unique opportunity to advocate, network and collaborate on their plan of action.

There will be several pre-conference activities available for CSOs. A hybrid Global CSO Summit is to be held on May 24 to provide civil society across the globe the platform to share inputs. Civil society unable to attend the conference will be able to access the summit virtually. The Official Special Event, the Civil Society Forum on May 29, will be a condensed version of the Global CSO Summit, where the SIDS4 Civil Society Roadmap and Action Plan will be declared.

This plan is a collaboration meant to represent the research and inputs of CSOs across the Caribbean; the Pacific; and the Atlantic, Indian Ocean and South China Sea (AIS), on sustainable development and actions for SIDS. There will be an open call for speakers to address the SIDS4 Civil Society Forum and at the Global CSO Summit pre-activity hosted by the SIDS4 CSO Coalition.

Underscoring the importance of civil society engagement in connection to the conference, SIDS4 CSO Coalition representatives were welcomed to observe the Second Preparatory Committee Meeting for the SIDS4 Conference at the United Nations (UN) Headquarters in New York from April 1st to April 5th. The delegation included representatives from IHO, Scrub Life Cares, and the Antigua & Barbuda Holistic Coalition. They were welcomed by the Permanent Representative of Antigua and Barbuda to the UN, Ambassador W. Aubrey Webson and his staff, who shared his support for the work of CSOs preparing for the conference.

Antigua and Barbuda’s UN Ambassador, W. Aubrey Webson (centre) Chloe Ambrose of Scrub Life Cares (right) and Britney McDonald of IHO.

Civil society participation in the SIDS4 Conference will be discussed during the third series of consultations by the SIDS4 CSO Coalition. There will be sessions open to all CSO Sectors, on the following dates: April 25 and April 29. Sector specific consultations will occur early May to ensure strong representation in key areas.

CSOs are encouraged to register for the upcoming consultations and lend their experience and expertise to the discussion. More information contact:

Join the SIDS4 CSO Coalition here.

See CSO consultation registration links below:

Register for Thursday, April 25th 2024 at 8:00 AM (AST)

Register for Monday, April 29th 2024 at 9:00 AM (AST)

From left to right, SIDS4 CSO Coalition representatives Chloe Ambrose of Scrub Life Cares, Britney McDonald of IHO, and Cerene Prince of the Antigua and Barbuda Holistic Coalition.

The post Civil society encouraged to participate fully in SIDS4 Conference & upcoming CSO consultations first appeared on Emonews.