Death announcement for Clemie Coletta Titre George Aka Ma Pap or Ma Binell of Goodhope residing in Calibishie

We announce the Death of 88 year old Clemie Coletta Titre George better known as Ma Pap or Ma Binell of Goodhope residing in Calibishie. 

Sunrise: 4th March 1936

Sunset: 28th December 2024

She leaves to mourn:

8 children: Zanda, Vera, Lornette, Claudy, Lennox, Joselyn, Orvenia  and Vivian.

32 grand children: Faith, Francis, Dale, Tessa, Tyron, Josh, Chickey, Severine, Claudine, Evrad Tesia, Kerrian, Mathais Jr, Lorna, Kenny, Jestus, Kernel, Keisha, Kamilah, Lester, Oliver, Olivia, Nanou, Touti, Joscia, Alwin, Schina, Yesmina, Melina, Magalee, Slidey and Gael

48  great grand children 

5 great, great grand children

Sister-in-Law:  Patsy

Daughters in law :Amanta,Theresa and Baby

Son-in-Law: Michael Johnson

Niece:  Honorable Octavia, Mayme, Rosemary, Utina, Cheryl, Silia, Gemma and Tracy

Nephews:   Manson, Ignas, Glen and Colum

Other close friends and family including:  Ketty Anselm, Angelo, Fada, Cecil, Rally, Kersel, Carib, Kenny, Melinda, Sister, Theresa, Laura, Maria Theodora and family, Attis and family, Rosa and family, Thomas and family, Lander and family, Isol and family, Phigene and family, Ursulin and family, Paul Bernard and family, Ivinia and family, Catherine and family, Iyna and family, Shirley Nixon and family, The George families from Calibishie and Wesley, The Titre family of Goodhope and Petite  Savanne.

Nurses and Doctors of the Calibishie and Castle Bruce Health Centers.

Other family and friends names too numerous to mention.

Funeral of the late Clemie Coletta Titre George will be held at the Wesley Roman Catholic Church on Saturday the 25th of January 2025. Viewing 1:30p, Service: 2:00PM.

The post Death announcement for Clemie Coletta Titre George Aka Ma Pap or Ma Binell of Goodhope residing in Calibishie first appeared on Emonews.