Death Announcement of 69 year old Albert Joseph Durand better known as Jepp of Good Hope who resided in Castle Bruce

We announce the Death of  69 year old Albert Joseph Durand better known as Jepp of Good Hope, who resided in Castle Bruce

He was the Father of:

One son:  Alie Omalie Durand

Four Daughters: Albertine, Alithia, Alicia, Durand and Malika Bontiff

Step daughter: Rosette Massicott

Grandchildren: Pharell and, Khalil John-Jules, Matthan Mark, Alyna Stephenson, Hildreth, Hilda, Hali Bontiff, Reah and Rick Massicot and Kevin Leathan

Brother of: Paris and Tim Durand, Ivor James, Hyacinth Laurent (in StMartin) Olista, Ashton, Mervin, Dave and Stephen ,seraphine.

Sons in law: Frank john-Jules, Alwin Stephenson, McKenny Massicot, Rupert Bontiff.

Daughter in law: Nicky Durand

Sisters in law: Lorretta James and Olivia Durand

Nieces and nephews include: Evetline, Nadine,Jeff, Kerry, Kemon Durand, Nathania Florrent, krista, Karissa, kriston Maxime, Maliaika, Jani, and jan Durand Nakita James, Steve, Staph and Sahen Seraphine,Lyan and Ensworth Durand and Rupertson Lawrance

One Godson: Joel  Alexander

Close Friends and other family members: Delphina Warrington and family Caroline and family, Rudette James Addriana, Philsca, Joseph Alexander and family, Livia, lee nation and members of the New Testament Church

Other friends and relatives including: Parliamentary Representative Octavia Alfred, Castle Bruce Health Team, the Durand, Seraphine, and Laurent family  the community of Castle Bruce, Goodhope and Environs

Funeral service will take place on Wednesday February 5th at The  pilgrim Holiness Church.

Viewing 1:00 -1:30 pm

Service 2:00 pm

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