Death Announcement of 76 years old Julie Tomy Wade of Melville Battery Newtown

We announce the death of 76 years old Julie Tomy Wade of Melville Battery Newtown

NAME:  Julie Tomy Wade

AGE:  76yrs

ADDRESS:  Melville Battery,  Newtown

DATE OF DEATH:  Monday 20th January,  2025

CHILDREN:  Merlyn,  Sheila,  Julius,  Sharon, Sherwin and Sherman Wade  and Dr. Velda Wade-Hector

SON-IN-LAW:  John Hector

GRAND CHILDREN :  Akeem Walsh.  Keisha and Shane Augustine.   Keyanna Joseph . Charleson, Charvis and Sharana Azille.  Jade, Kade, Jaheim, Samuel,  Dejan, Jace, Sariah and Seyden, Wade.

Elijah, Giovanni,  Bae, Luna, Anais

SISTERS:  Julietta Wade, Jane Wade-Archibald,  Daphne Junkere- Charles , Decima Junkere

BROTHERS:  James Wade

BROTHER IN-LAW:  Edward Archibald

SISTER-IN-LAW:  Diedra Wade

NEPHEWS:  Reginald Robinson,  Jeff Langlais, James Wade,  Trevor Charles,  Anthony and Romuald Romain.

NIECES:  Licenia Wade, Linda Golabkan, Lisa Charles.

GRAND NIECE:  Xya Robinson

ADOPTED SON:  Richard  Victorine and family

GOD DAUGHTERS:  Sherica Julius and Martha Mendes

GOD SONS:   James William

CLOSE RELATIVES:  Muriel, Jessie, Rachel, and Neville Wade and their families. Marian, Sylvain, Rosa and Alie Parillon, Arthur and Jeff Knight,  Joan JeanMarie, Sheila, Evadney and  Prince Aaron,  Edward Charles,  Dora Sabroach, Starie George and the  rest of the Wade, JeanMarie and Junkere families .

CLOSE FRIENDS:  Slyvia Samuel, Sonia William, Peter Laville, Albert Thomas, Karen Pinard, Lyn Sandy,  Martin and Beatrice Paul, Yvette and Cornel Julius, Sonia and Ronald Charles, Melvin and Ruthina Thomas, Hypolite and Angela Xavier, Charles Azille, Clayton and  Johanna Balthazar, Patrick Oscar and their families.  The homeless boys Dominos group, colleagues from the Dominica Sea and Port Authority, the Colihaut, Newtown and Melville Battery community, other too numerous to mention.

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